A R T - K A T R O Z
THE website dedicated to the ART of copying the Masters of the past
Public and private museums where are hanging some of the works which we have reproduced, or of some interest in connection with our reproductions : Orsay Museum, PARIS : Orangerie Museum , PARIS - reopened May 17th, 2006 : http://www.musee-orangerie.fr/ Marmottan Museum, PARIS : Luxemburg Museum ( French Senate ), PARIS : http://www.senat.fr/avènement/modigliani/
National Museum of Modern Art ( Pompidou Center ), PARIS : http://www.centrepompidou.fr/Pompidou/Accueil.nsf/tunnel?OpenForm City Museum of Modern Art, PARIS : http://www.paris.fr/portail/Culture/Portal.lut?page_id=6450 Picasso Museum, PARIS : Louvre Museum, PARIS :
Museum of American Art, GIVERNY, FRANCE : Bemberg Foundation, TOULOUSE, FRANCE : http://www.fondation-bemberg.fr/ Museum of Fine Arts, RENNES, FRANCE : Museum of Fine Arts, QUIMPER, FRANCE / http://musee-beauxarts.quimper.fr
Musée de PONT-AVEN, FRANCE : http://www.pontaven.com/fr/culture/peinture/musee.html National Gallery, LONDRES : http://www.nationalgallery.org.uk/ Tate Museum, LONDRES : http://www.tate.org.uk/home/default.htm Courtauld Institute of Art, LONDRES : Gianadda Foundation, MARTIGNY, SUISSE :
Kunstmuseum, BALE, SUISSE : http://www.kunstmuseumbasel.ch/ Buehrle Collection, ZURICH, SUISSE :
Fondation Beyeler, BALE, SUISSE : http://www.basel.ch/en/culture/museums/fondation_beyeler/fondation_beyeler
Kunsthaus, ZURICH, SUISSE :
Hermitage Foundation, LAUSANNE, SUISSE http://en.fondation-hermitage.ch/ Fine Arts Museum, TOURNAI, BELGIUM : http://www.tournai.be/fr/officiel/index.php?page=42 Van Gogh Museum, AMSTERDAM : Rijkmuseum, AMSTERDAM : http://www.rijksmuseum.nl/asp/start.asp?language=uk
Old National Gallery and New National Gallery, BERLIN : http://www.alte-nationalgalerie.de/
Hermitage Museum , SAINT-PETERSBOURG : http://www.hermitagemuseum.org/
Pushkin Museum, MOSCOW : http://www.museum.ru/gmii/defengl.htm Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum, MADRID : http://www.museothyssen.org/Ingles/conflash.htm Prado Museum, MADRID : http://museoprado.mcu.es/ihome.html Museum of Modern Art ( MOMA ), NEW-YORK : Metropolitan Museum of Art, NEW-YORK : http://www.metmuseum.org/home.asp Guggenheim Museum, NEW-YORK : Frick Collection, NEW-YORK : Achim Moeller Gallery, NEW-YORK http://www.artnet.com/ag/galleryhomepage.asp?gid=764 Musée des Beaux-Arts, BOSTON : Kimbell Museum of Art, FORT-WORTH, TEXAS : National Gallery of Art, WASHINGTON, DC : The Freer Gallery, WASHINGTON, DC ( for Whistler) : http://www.asia.si.edu/collections/default.htm Museum of Contemporary Art, CHICAGO : Art Institute, CHICAGO : J. Paul Getty Museum, LOS ANGELES : County Museum of Art, LOS ANGELES :
Norton Simon Museum, PASADENA, CALIFORNIA :
Barnes Foundation, MERION, PENNSYLVANIA : http://www.barnesfoundation.org/ Fine Arts Museum, CLEVELAND : Museum of the RHODE ISLAND School of Design : http://www.risd.edu/museum.cfm Art Museum, NAGOYA, JAPON : http://www.art-museum.city.nagoya.jp/english/index.html
2) FOUNDATIONS Foundations having authority on some Masters we have reproduced : Amedeo Modigliani : http://www.modigliani-amedeo.com/
3) PERSONAL SITES Websites created by fans of some Masters we have reproduced : Edouard Manet : http://www.mystudios.com/manet/paint.html Vincent Van Gogh, a comprehensive site : Claude Monet : http://giverny.org/monet/welcome.htm General information about Masters of all periods : http://www.ibiblio.org/wm/paint/tl/ A pictorial source of interest aka Olga's gallery :
4) OUR PARTNERS All the artbooks :
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